

我真的很怀念我初二时的乐队,那时的我们虽然时常被教练和老师骂因为纪律上的问题。但是,使我动容的是我们团员间的精神,想起那时的我们真是好笑,时常在埋怨准备比赛的辛苦,好了,现在我们想比都没有得比,你说世事是不是很无常?现在的新队员可能都无法有这种感受吧,因为最近的新队员真的是~~ 哈哈哈



哈哈~~ 这个礼拜过后终于可以好好的休息一会了~~ 今年,我误打误撞的作了华文学会说举办今年新年活动的财政。说真的, 还真是有够忙的。。但说真的,我还蛮享受这种“忙”法。他让我觉得忙得有道理,忙得开心,忙得爽。。 哈哈,每当看到我校庆祝新年都还蛮有成就感的。今年我们的活动还几丰富一下的 - 就好像有买柑活动,点歌活动以及猜字谜活动~~ 而我有幸的负责点歌活动~~ 每天一下课时,校园里都洋溢着新年歌的歌声。。很有新年气氛~~ 我想这种气氛连在独中都没有吧!!(可能有,只是我不知吧了)。。所以, 我很庆幸我能在如此有气氛的学校~~ as we always ~~ we proud to be a warga SM SHAN TAO ~~ 哈哈 。。 祝大家新年快乐,恭喜发财,万象更新及新年进步~~


A busy week ~~

这个礼拜应该算是我最忙的一个礼拜了。为什么呢?哈哈,这个礼拜有两天的运动会,运动会还好只是黑了一点吧了。说真的,我们学校的运动会好像有一点逊色比起其他的学校。。 接着放假一天,放假我可没有闲着哦!! 我和朋友去做kerja amal le ... dunno how to say this kerja amal oo .. really useless ... maybe goverment need us to be a wholesome and also a moral person la .. so design a project like this to help us ... although i not that moral .. tat kerja amal we do on wed this week at tanjung aru beach ~~ quite fun also la because ... ( who know our de , must know we only use 10 percentde time and the other 90 percent we play ) ... back to school , just like a new day ... why ? because we go back again into the books ... teacher give so many homework .. maybe the laziness in body still cannot hapuskan so feel that it is quite a lot to me la ... but the following days , we help the chinese club to promote our chinese new year programme .. alomost whole day din in the class , but quite fun coz u go class by class to promote ... and u imagine just like a salesman ... haha .. i hope this chinese new year programme can help our club to get more money to be the club fund to organise more meaningful activity ... 

 see!! our beach so dirty ...so we do kerja amal to clean it ~~ haha 
                     this is the collage for tat day kerja amal !!